Sep 2013
Posted in Bebis by Katarina at 8:46 pm | No Comments »

Vi har en tjej som gĂ€rna kollar pĂ„ TV.  Blicken dras gĂ€rna dit. Ibland kan vi lĂ€gga henne i babygymmet eller nĂ„nstans. Man kĂ€nner “vĂ€ldans vad lugn hon blev dĂ„” och kollar. Jomenvisst, dĂ„ ligger hon och kollar TV. Det blir hon lugn av. Nu ska ju sĂ„ smĂ„ inte kolla TV sĂ„ vi tar […]

Sep 2013
Posted in Bebis, Milo by Katarina at 7:54 pm | Enter your password to view comments.

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Sep 2013
Posted in Bebis, Milo by Katarina at 8:50 pm | Enter your password to view comments.

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Sep 2013
Posted in AllmÀnt, Bebis by Katarina at 8:40 pm | Enter your password to view comments.

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Sep 2013
Posted in AllmÀnt, Milo by Katarina at 9:20 pm | Enter your password to view comments.

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Sep 2013
Posted in AllmÀnt, Milo by Katarina at 9:24 pm | Enter your password to view comments.

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Sep 2013
Posted in AllmÀnt, Milo by Katarina at 8:14 pm | Enter your password to view comments.

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Sep 2013
Posted in Bebis, BVC, Milo by Katarina at 8:52 pm | Enter your password to view comments.

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Sep 2013
Posted in Milo, VĂ€nner by Katarina at 7:53 pm | Enter your password to view comments.

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Sep 2013
Posted in AllmĂ€nt by Katarina at 9:53 pm | No Comments »

Vad Ă€r det? NĂ€r vi bara hade Milo hade jag ganska mycket egentid, men sedan Juni kom Ă€r det inget man Ă€r bortskĂ€md med. Den egentid man har Ă€r typ den kvarten pĂ„ kvĂ€llen innan man mĂ„ste sova för att orka upp dagen efter. Ibland har vi dock tur att bĂ„da barnen sover kl 20 […]